Child Protection

Child Protection

To better prevent and protect children against violence, abuse, and neglect, the Child Protection program is focused on enhancing the child national protection system through an improved and coordinated legal and policy framework, provision of continuous professional development (CPD) for child protection practitioners, delivering direct services to vulnerable categories of children, as well as increase public awareness on child rights.

Current Projects

Completed Projects


Kosovo remains committed to the fight against racial discrimination, Prime Minister Albin Kurti declared on Thursday, at the opening of the second day of the Western Balkans Summit against Racial Discrimination. "We are here with a commitment to confront racial discrimination, to defeat racism,…
The Center for Empowerment and Protection of Children in Street Situation was inaugurated today in the village of Nashec, Prizren. This center, which will provide services to children in street situations and those in need of protection, is the result of close cooperation between Terre des hommes-…
Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Minister of Justice Albulena Haxhiu visited the Day Care Center for children in street situations today, managed by Terre des Hommes - Kosovo, expressing their deep appreciation for the organization's work and dedication. In addition to Terre des Hommes – Kosovo…
Today, the inaugural roundtable discussion dedicated to the development of a comprehensive training module on diversity measures was held in Prishtine. This roundtable brought together justice professionals, including juvenile prosecutors, judges, probation officers, police officers, lawyers,…
In the fight against racism and discrimination, education and awareness are powerful tools. Last week, Terre des hommes Kosovo, in collaboration with the Kosovo Institute for Public Administration (IKAP), continued trainings aimed at shining a light on Antigypsyism—a specific and deeply troubling…
In a significant stride towards child protection and support, Terre des Hommes - Kosovo (TdhK) and the Municipality of Prizren have joined forces to pioneer integrated services for vulnerable children in street situations. This remarkable partnership aims to provide these children with the care and…


The National Platform for protection from discrimination of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities is established by the Government of the Republic of Kosovo to support the values defined in the Constitution of Kosovo. Committed to fighting and preventing discrimination in all communities in…
Platforma Kombëtare për Mbrojtjen nga Diskriminimi për komunitetet rom, ashkali dhe egjiptian, është themeluar nga Qeveria e Republikës së Kosovës për të mbështetur vlerat e përcaktuara në Kushtetutën e Kosovës. Me përkushtim për të luftuar dhe parandaluar diskriminimin në të gjitha komunitetet në…