The Day Care Center for Children in Street Situation has been operating since 4th of November 2019. This was possible thanks to the cooperation of Terre des hommes - Kosovo with the Municipality of Prishtina.
The Day Care Center provides a warm and friendly environment where children feel safe. It operates based on our model of specialized services for children in street situation, for those who are victims of sexual abuse, as well as other children who need protection.
The Day Care Center is the service model where daily services are offered on daily basis. The child chooses the services or activities in which he/she will participate. The center aims to provide services to meet the elementary needs of the child and the family.
This model also provides access to information for service providers and helps build trust between service providers and beneficiaries, thus serving as a gateway for children into the child protection system and public services such as education, health, psychosocial support, etc.
Services include: meals, games, educational and psycho-social activities, professional counselling, positive parenting sessions as well as case management coordination.
The staff of the Center consists of: Social workers, psychologists - at the same time and a mobile team; support teacher, center coordinator, housekeeper.
The Day Care Center contributes greatly to the child protection system by investing in and supporting children who need services.