Today (February 15th), Terre des hommes in Kosovo signed an agreement of cooperation with the Prizren Municipality, to support children in street situation.
This agreement, signed by the Country Director of Terre des hommes Kosovo, Florina Sefaj, and Prizren Mayor, Shaqir Totaj, will enhance coordination in the prevention and protection of these children. It represents a step forward in the early identification, referral, and provision of direct services to them.
To this end, a mobile team in Prizren will offer support to vulnerable children and their families. This will improve care and raise awareness in society about the needs of children in street situation and increase cooperation between local organizations and institutions to address this challenge.
This activity is part of the project "Increasing Access and Quality of Care and Social and Educational Services for Vulnerable Girls and Boys, particularly those in street situations and their families," supported by UNICEF in Kosovo in partnership with the European Union in Kosovo.