2024 has been a year of success and meaningful progress for Terre des hommes Foundation in Kosovo! From transformative activities to groundbreaking initiatives, we have done it all in order to make a difference in the lives of children and youth across Kosovo.
During 2024 we have:
Integrated Services for Vulnerable Children and Families
Provided essential services to 318 vulnerable children (168 boys, 150 girls) and their families through Day Care Centers in Prishtina and Prizren, fostering holistic support and development.
Enabled 86 children (44 girls, 42 boys) aged 6 to 13 from Prishtina and Nashec (Prizren) to make significant educational progress through supportive learning sessions.
Delivered emotional health support to 147 parents (115 mothers, 32 fathers) through parenting programs and counseling, promoting children’s healthy development and addressing key topics such as early marriage prevention, positive discipline, and managing the impact of technology.
Enhanced employability of 58 parents, including 25 mothers from Roma, Ashkali, and Egyptian communities who successfully completed handicraft training as part of the "Empowering Women" initiative.
Equipped 89 adolescents and young adults (48 girls, 41 boys) aged 16-20 with vocational training and extracurricular life skills, promoting personal and professional growth.
Indirectly supported 1,427 children (655 girls, 772 boys) through emotional health services delivered by Day Care Center staff and mobile teams across six municipalities.
Provided tailored learning support to 266 students (137 girls, 120 boys) through 12 Learning Centers, working closely with regular teachers to address individual educational needs.
Trained 45 youths in the Next Economy Methodology "Life Skills" program, equipping them with essential skills to actively participate in the labor market and society.
To empower children and amplify their voices, we organized visits to various institutions across Kosovo, providing them with the opportunity to learn about the roles and functions of these organizations.
Provided legal and administrative support to vulnerable communities, ensuring their access to and ability to benefit from social services and assistance schemes.
We trained young leaders in the YouCreate methodology, equipping them to implement child-led initiatives and activities.
organized a summer school program in Nashec, Prizren, for children and youth, fostering learning and engagement.
Organized entertaining events for children with “Payasos Sin Fronteras / Pallassos Sense Fronteres / Clowns Without Borders” at Day Care Centers in Prishtina and Prizren.
Awareness Raising Activities
Implemented the national campaigns "Don’t Give Money to Children on the Streets" and "Report Violence Against Children," reaching 684,512 people through a comprehensive media approach, including videos, TV broadcasts, and billboards in strategic locations.
Hosted the 4th Western Balkans Summit Against Racial Discrimination in Prishtina under the motto "Strength in Diversity: A Society Without Racial Discrimination", bringing together experts, leaders, and activists from the region to discuss strategies to combat racial discrimination, particularly against Roma, Ashkali, and Egyptian communities.
Appeared 60 times across various media channels to promote the work of TdhK.
Presented the 2023 Report Card on two critical areas : Child Protection and Access to Justice for Children, developed by the Coalition of NGOs for Child Protection (KOMF).
Participated in Prishtina’s Children's Book Festival and Fair to promote a culture of reading among children and youth.
Organized the IDEATON activity to foster the development of innovative solutions aimed at preventing and combating antigypsyism.
Capacity building programmes
Antigypsyism Training for Public Officials: Trained 163 public officials on Antigypsyism in collaboration with the Kosovo Institute for Public Administration (KIPA) and the Office for Good Governance, enhancing their commitment to addressing discrimination.
Ethical Reporting on Roma, Ashkali, and Egyptian Communities: Trained 52 journalists on ethical reporting related to Roma, Ashkali, and Egyptian communities, in partnership with the Association of Kosovo Journalists (AJK).
Children's Rights Roundtable: In collaboration with OGG, TdhK organized a joint meeting with 46 officials and professionals from Kosovo's children's rights teams to discuss strengthening cooperation, developing local plans, and focusing on the role of preventing early marriages within the Roma, Ashkali, and Egyptian communities.
Organized information session and the presentation of the Child Protection Policy in pre-university education institutions with principals of primary and lower secondary schools.
Training of Trainers (ToT) Program on Child Protection: Trained 22 professionals in a Training of Trainers (ToT) program on child protection policies in pre-university education institutions, improving safeguarding practices.
Multidisciplinary Case Management Protocol Workshops: Organized workshops on the working protocol of multidisciplinary tables for assistance in case management, covering regions including Peja, Ferizaj, Gjakova, Prishtina, Mitrovica, Gjilan, and Prizren.
Organized workshops to raise awareness among local-level professionals about the importance of implementing the Law on Child Protection.
In cooperation with Independent Media Council (IMC) organized workshops to enhance protection of children from harmful audiovisual content.
Supported the launching of the Child Protection Media Award conference in partnership with KOMF.
Supported the meeting of the Technical Group for the Protection from Discrimination of the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian Communities.
Provided strategic litigation support for the National Platform to report cases on ethnic discrimination against Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities.
Legal Framework and Policy Development
- Supported the drafting of the Instruction on the Criteria and Conditions for Obtaining a License for the Provision of Social and Family Services by Professional Employees.
- Supported the drafting of the draft Administrative Instruction for Integrated Services.
- Supported the drafting of the draft Regulation on the Organization and Scope of Day Care Centers.
- Supported the drafting of the draft Regulation on the Organization and Functioning of Reception Centers.
- Supported the drafting of the draft Administrative Instruction for Maintaining a Unique Record and Documentation of Beneficiaries: Rights, Forms, Measures and Services from Social and Family Care.
Supported the drafting of the draft by-law, which defines the rules and procedures for maintaining the database with the DNA of persons convicted of criminal offenses against sexual integrity, which was approved on 5th of December 2024 by the Judicial Council of Kosovo.
Published the "Analytical Report on the Benefits of Children from Social Assistance and Protection Programs" in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance, Labor, and Transfers – Department of Social Schemes, providing critical data to enhance child-focused social policies.
Designed and finalized minimum functional and structural standards and Standard Operating Procedures for Child Protection Homes, in collaboration with the Department of Policies for Social and Family Services at the Ministry of Justice, in partnership with UNICEF.
Developed the Protocol of Multidisciplinary Tables for assistance in case management by hiring an expert that will develop the actual Protocol. The Protocol regulates the functioning of the Case Management Roundtables, thus streamlining child protection efforts by coordinating actions among relevant government bodies and non-government entities involved in the CMRs, creating as a result a standardized approach to managing complex child protection cases, improving collaboration and decision- making.
Supported the development of the national Action Plan for Children in Street Situation.
Training of CMR Members: A total of 266 professionals, including 140 men and 126 women, successfully participated in training sessions focused on building capacities for a multidisciplinary approach to case management.
Developed the training module on diversion measures imposed against juvenile offenders, and trained justice professionals on its implementation.
Multidisciplinary Roundtable for Assistance in Case Management (CMRs)
Establishment of Functional CMRs: As a result of continuous mentoring, information sessions, and advocacy efforts, 14 municipalities in Kosovo successfully established functional CMRs, with mayoral approvals received in 2024.
National Workshops on Child Protection: Successfully held seven national workshops on the developed Protocol for the Protection of Children from Violence, Abuse, and Neglect in October 2024 across various regions of Kosovo.
MoUs Signed
MoU with KIPA and OGG: Signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Kosovo Institute for Public Administration (KIPA) and the Office for Good Governance, enhancing cooperation to raise the capacities of public officials in child protection, migration, anti-trafficking, justice for minors, and combating antigypsyism.
MoU with Independent Media Council (IMC): Signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Independent Media Council (IMC) to foster collaboration in media and child protection.
MoU with the Academy of Justice: Signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Academy of Justice in Kosovo (AJK) to improve the legal education and training related to child protection.
MoU with Bonevet Prishtina to strengthen partnerships in enhancing children and youth skills in programming and robotics.
Research and Reports
Economic Inclusion of Vulnerable Youths: Published and presented the "Mapping and Needs Assessment Report for the Economic Inclusion of Vulnerable Youths in Prizren," offering a comprehensive analysis of their economic inclusion needs and identifying key intervention areas.
Acknowledgment from MESTI: Received an official acknowledgment from MESTI for significant support and cooperation in implementing child protection policies in pre-university education institutions.